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Kongovej 37
2300 Copenhagen S
“In the fall of 2020, we chose to have our physical Roadshow for Accountants as an online event due to the COVID-19 situation. For two days we live-streamed from Litemotions' studio and everything worked flawlessly. Normally we host quite a few webinars for our clients on our own, but the collaboration with Litemotions gave us an even better professional look, which has provided feedback from the company Visma e-conomic on the inside, but also from the outside from our customers. This is definitely not the last time we collaborate with Litemotions. Jibril and Frederikke receive the warmest recommendations in their way of being professional, flexible and accommodating.”
Rie Jorgensen
Senior Marketing Manager,
Visma e-conomic
“I started my collaboration with Litemotions in early 2019. Since then, our cooperation has developed explosively in an upward curve. Today, Litemotions is a key partner for Focus Nordic, and our close collaboration creates many valuable synergies. One of Litemotions' strengths is that they manage to create a relationship with their customers, as well as their structure and flexibility that always results in a 100% professional end product.”
Henry Heise
Sales & Key Account Manager,
Focus Nordic